Archive for December, 2009

Photo update

December 5, 2009

This is my finished Aeolian shawl being blocked on my mum’s spare room floor.  It’s even too big for the towel!!  It’s my first really successful blocking and I can see why people love blocking lace.  It really was like magic.

Close up of the points being blocked.

This is the OpArt blanket I’m knitting for a friend’s new baby.  At this point it was 33% complete and I’m about 66% done now. But I have to say that it is the MOST boring knitting in the world.  Each row is now about 500 stitches long and takes forever, at least when you need a really long lace row it has something to keep you interested. All this has is 4 increases per row, yawn.  It does look really cool though so it should be worth all the tedium at the end. 

As my knitting is so boring at the moment I’ve been making jewellery as well.  This is the dragonfly garden necklace I talked about in my last post. 

Detail of the dragonfly clasp and the beads.  Below is the grey bead necklace I made using beads from the knitting and stitching show.  I wanted it to look like it was a vintage necklace and I think it’s worked out quite well.

Detail of the ‘brooch’ –  it’s actually a button and not vintage at all.

Have you decorated for Christmas yet? I put my tree and decs up last night. I also went to the Christmas tree festival in St Thomas’ Church, Salisbury this morning so now I’m feeling well and truly Festive!!